Cox Arms USA – The Top Tier American Rifle You’ve Never Heard Of

When it comes to hearing the words “top tier,” “combat ready,” and “high quality,” AR-15 rifles, people conjure up names like Daniel Defense, BCM, LMT, and Geissele. That’s only because they haven’t shot or run a Cox Arms USA rifle yet. Because it is my opinion that Cox Arms leaves all of those companies in the dust in many ways, for the same or less price!!!

it’s not often that a rifle can hit the market and almost automatically compete with the “big dogs” that the self-anointed internet gun sphere gatekeepers have dubbed “the best.” But Cox Arms USA came out of the corner swinging for a knockout! And landed it!

On the outside, it may look like a somewhat run-of-the-mill billet AR-15. But between the craftsmanship, machining, quality control and tolerances kept, and the components chosen for the heart and function of the rifle. This thing is anything but run-of-the-mill.

A lapped barrel and gas key, all the threads rocksetted and staked where necessary, flawless Cerekote, cryo-treated Sprinco springs throughout, a field adjustable Elfman trigger (2.75 – 4.0lb), hybrid DLC coated bolt carrier group, and flawless machining are just some of the features that you get when you purchase a Cox Arms USA AR-15.